Capt AD Manek

Aviator | Instructor | Mentor | Patriot | Social Activist

Created & Presented
Capt Mukarram Electricwala

"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value"

Standing true to the phase above, this website is dedicated to my mentor Capt AD Manek on his 55th birthday as a token of appreciation. It is a small gesture of gratitude from me, for all the hard work he has done in providing me quality training and guidance to make me a professional pilot over the years. He is a man worth knowing more about. From humble beginnings to becoming one of India's most respected aviators, his story is both riveting and awe inspiring. In todays fast pace world it is very often seen that youngsters choose the easiest way out to earn money which can lead to an attitude of giving up easily when the going gets tough. The aim nowadays is to get rich fast rather than achieve something satisfying.
I, Capt Mukarram Electricwala would like to encourage young students having big dreams to pursue their goals no matter what and let this story of Capt A.D Manek prove inspirational and motivational to all of you. If Capt Manek can go from being a Child Labourer living in a slum to becoming a celebrated Aviation Expert so can you. Happy Landings!

15th April, 2016

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